To choose the right ergonomic office chair, consider these elements when making your selection.

Is your chair vertically adjustable and on a five-point base?
Does your chair have an adjustable lumbar (low back) support?
Does the backrest provide adequate support for your back?
Does your seat pan width and depth provide for good fit and comfort?
Does the seat pan cushion provide adequate comfort for you?
Does your seat pan have tilt adjustability?
Does your seat pan have depth (forward and backward) adjustability?
Does the seat pan have a rounded front that does not pressure the back of your knees and legs?
When seated, are your knees at or below the level of your hips (knees not higher than hips)?
Do your feet rest flat on the floor or are they supported by a stable footrest?
Does your chair have armrests that support your forearms and do not interfere with swivel or normal movements of the chair?


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